

Round 18

Round Round Ref.
Round 18 EIDPS030
Albert Salemgareyev (£29,550)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
01/09/2012 - 31/08/2013
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Round 18 EIDPS029
Said Manuel Gutierrez (£29,605)
University of Southampton - Bio Sciences
01/09/2012 - 30/09/2013
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Round 18 EIDPS028
Voahirana Claudia Randriamamonjy (£20,845)
Bangor University - Ocean Sci
12/09/2012 - 11/09/2013
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Round 18 EIDPR149
Biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Ewaso Ng'iro Upper Basin (£1,450)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2013
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Round 18 EIDPR148
Building capacity in wildlife health management for rural livelihood security and biodiversity conservation, South Asia (£2,960)
IoZ - Institute of Zoology
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2013
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Round 18 EIDPR147
Conservation of the critically endangered Rondo Galago in Tanzania (£2,840)
Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2013
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Round 18 EIDPR146
Benefitting nature and communities around Albertine Rift high altitude wetlands (£2,220)
ARCOS Albertine Rift Conservation Society
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2013
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Round 18 EIDPR145
Building civil society capacity in Myanmar to support marine conservation (£3,000)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2013
Burma (Myanmar)
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Round 18 EIDPR144
PECARI: people, ecosystems, conservation and research integration (£2,980)
Cranfield University - EST
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2013
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Round 18 EIDPR143
Conservation of the fungi of Lao PDR (£2,750)
RBGE - Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2013
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Round 18 EIDPR142
Integrating forest conservation and food security in upland Burma (Myanmar) (£2,990)
University of East Anglia - International Development
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2013
Burma (Myanmar)
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Round 18 EIDPR141
Community based conservation of snow leopard in transboundary Russia-Mongolia (£2,053)
WTA Education Services Ltd
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2013
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Round 18 EIDPR140
Community based monitoring to strengthen protected area management, Southern Colombian Amazon (£2,150)
University of Sussex, University of Sussex - SLS
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2013
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Round 18 EIDPR139
Improving participatory conservation of fruit and nut forests in Tajikistan (£3,000)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2013
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Round 18 EIDPO042
Implementing community-based landscape and resource monitoring to consolidate voluntary conservation (£157,686)
GDF - Global Diversity Foundation
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015
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Round 18 EIDCF020
Biodiversity and ecosystems service assessment of South Georgia (£22,000)
01/05/2012 - 31/05/2013
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
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Round 18 EIDCF019
Inshore cetaceans of the Falkland Islands (£24,950)
Falklands Conservation
01/04/2012 - 28/02/2014
Falkland Islands
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Round 18 EIDCF018
Advancing marine ecosystem management in UKOTs (£24,950)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/06/2012 - 31/12/2012
Anguilla, Montserrat
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Round 18 EIDCF017
Developing multi-sector strategies for marine resource use, management and conservation (£24,762)
MCS - Marine Conservation Society
01/04/2012 - 30/04/2013
Turks and Caicos Islands
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Round 18 EIDCF016
Anguilla national ecosystem assessment - a foundation for green economy (£22,200)
Gov of Anguilla
01/06/2012 - 31/03/2014
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Round 18 EIDCF015
The threatened Cayman Brac parrot: a flagship for conservation (£21,350)
National Trust for the Cayman Islands
15/04/2012 - 15/12/2012
Cayman Islands
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Round 18 EIDCF014
Developing native seed mixes for habitat restoration in the Falklands (£24,626)
Falklands Conservation
30/09/2012 - 31/05/2013
Falkland Islands
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Round 18 EIDCF013
South Atlantic wilderness: assessment of Tristan da Cunha's seabed biodiversity (£25,000)
BAS - British Antarctic Survey
01/07/2012 - 30/06/2013
St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
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Round 18 EIDCF012
Assessing Ascension Islands shallow marine biodiversity (£24,171)
Shallow Marine Surveys Group
01/06/2012 - 30/06/2013
St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
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Round 18 EIDCF011
Falklands Marine Biodiversity Archive (£23,000)
Marine Biological Association of the UK
02/04/2012 - 28/02/2013
Falkland Islands
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Round 18 EIDCF010
Biodiversity and food security: developing collaborative policy for seagrass conservation (£24,458)
Cardiff University - SS
01/09/2012 - 30/09/2013
Turks and Caicos Islands
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Round 18 EIDCF009
Mapping the Falklands: facilitating systematic conservation planning and implementation (£24,921)
DICE - Durrell Institute of Conservation & Ecology
14/05/2012 - 31/03/2013
Falkland Islands
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Round 18 EIDCF008
Sea turtles in the British Indian Ocean Territory (£24,985)
Swansea University
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2013
British Indian Ocean Territory
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Round 18 19-031
Mapping St Helena's marine biodiversity to create a Marine Management Plan (£164,150)
JNCC - Joint Nature Conservation Committee
01/04/2012 - 21/11/2014
St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
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Round 18 19-030
Darwin Initiative's Falkland Island raptors - reducing conflicts with rural livelihoods (£177,986)
Falklands Conservation
01/04/2012 - 31/05/2015
Falkland Islands
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Round 18 19-029
Laying the foundations for invertebrate conservation on St Helena (£199,478)
Buglife - The Invertebrate Conservation Trust
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2016
St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
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Round 18 19-028
Addressing the threat of invasive species in Pitcairn Overseas Territory (£287,060)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
15/04/2012 - 31/03/2016
Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie & Oeno Islands
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Round 18 19-027
Strengthening the world's largest Marine Protected Area: Chagos Archipelago (£287,788)
Bangor University - Ocean Sci
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015
British Indian Ocean Territory
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Round 18 19-026
Implementing a Darwin Initiative Biodiversity Action Plan for Ascension Island (£299,480)
University of Exeter
01/07/2012 - 31/03/2015
Falkland Islands, St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
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Round 18 19-025
Conservation of Ethiopia's wild coffee using participatory forest management (£246,507)
University of Huddersfield - AS
01/04/2012 - 30/11/2015
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Round 18 19-024
Enhancing the relationship between people and pollinators in Eastern India (£271,258)
Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015
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Round 18 19-023
NBSAPs: mainstreaming biodiversity and development (£266,929)
01/02/2012 - 31/03/2015
Botswana, Namibia, Seychelles, Uganda
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Round 18 19-022
Ecosystem conservation for climate change adaptation in East Africa (£287,759)
Birdlife International
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015
Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda
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Round 18 19-021
Values and valuation: new approaches to conservation in Mongolia (£234,828)
University of Leicester - Geography
01/04/2012 - 30/06/2015
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Round 18 19-020
Responding to fish extirpations in the global marine biodiversity epicentre (£294,151)
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
01/04/2012 - 30/09/2016
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Round 18 19-019
Integrating Batwa cultural values into national parks management in Uganda (£289,779)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015
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Round 18 19-018
Agroforests: a critical resource for sustaining megadiversity in Guatemala (£250,256)
University of Greenwich - NRI
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015
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Round 18 19-017
Building capacity for participatory ecosystem-based marine conservation in Central America (£294,610)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015
Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua
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Round 18 19-016
Leveraging markets to conserve mangrove biodiversity and alleviate poverty in Madagascar (£226,839)
Blue Ventures
01/07/2012 - 30/06/2015
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Round 18 19-015
Equitable access to pasture use for beekeepers in Kyrgyz Republic (£149,646)
Bees for Development
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2014
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Round 18 19-014
Implementing CITES in Madagascar (£254,788)
University of Kent - Anthropology (not DICE)
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2016
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Round 18 19-013
Research to policy - building capacity for conservation through poverty alleviation (£260,652)
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015
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Round 18 19-012
Saving the critically endangered spoon-billed sandpiper from global extinction (£295,437)
BANCA - Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Association, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
01/04/2012 - 30/04/2015
Burma (Myanmar), Russia
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Round 18 19-011
Conserving the critically endangered Bengal Florican - a Terai flagship species (£290,417)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
01/10/2012 - 30/09/2016
India, Nepal
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Round 18 19-010
Developing long-term stakeholder capacity for elephant conservation in Mali (£240,510)
Wilderness Foundation UK
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015
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Round 18 19-009
Galapagos marine invasive species: prevention, detection and management (£251,559)
University of Southampton - Oceanography
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015
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Round 18 19-008
Building biodiversity research capacity to protect PNG rainforest from logging (£246,488)
University of Sussex - SLS
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015
Papua New Guinea
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Round 18 19-007
Building capacity for in-situ conservation in Iraq (£299,404)
RBGE - Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
01/04/2012 - 30/04/2015
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Round 18 19-006
The CUT plan for large carnivore management in Tanzania (£299,090)
IoZ - Institute of Zoology
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015
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Round 18 19-005
Underpinning the design and management of Cambodia's first Marine Protected Area (MPA) (£293,526)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015
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Round 18 19-004
Building capacity of the next generation of Liberian conservation professionals (£299,122)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/04/2012 - 31/10/2015
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Round 18 19-003
A sustainable future for Chinese giant salamanders (£300,375)
IoZ - Institute of Zoology
01/07/2012 - 30/06/2016
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Round 18 19-002
A cutting-EDGE approach to saving Seychelles' evolutionarily distinct biodiversity (£256,085)
University of Kent, DICE - Durrell Institute of Conservation & Ecology
01/10/2012 - 30/09/2015
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Round 18 19-001
Conservation of the newly-discovered Burmese (Myanmar) snub-nosed monkey (£286,458)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015
Burma (Myanmar)
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