Stage 2 Applications Webinar and Workshop, January 2022 (Archived)
In January 2022, three events are being hosted as part of the Darwin Initiative Stage 2 workshop, for Round 28 applicants that had been successfully invited through to Stage 2.
There are joint workshop proceedings for the events.
Webinar – Frequently asked questions and common issues
On 7th January, we hosted a webinar for applicants under Round 28 of Darwin Initiative that were invited through to Stage 2. This webinar introduced Stage 2 applicants to some of the frequently asked questions and common issues relating to eligibility, finance, Flexi-Grant, gender and safeguarding requirements.
The slides from this session can be accessed here.
Workshop Session – Project design tools and importance of good evidence and indicators
On 11th January we hosted an interactive workshop for Stage 2 applicants. This two-part session aimed to cover the use of project design tools and methods to ensure that applicants logframes were as robust as possible through the inclusion of “SMART” indicators and appropriate means of verification.
Part 1: Project design tools slides
Part 2: Indicators and evidence slides
A copy of the exercise sheet used during the session is available here.
Darwin Expert Committee: What makes a good application
On 12th January, we hosted a presentation with guest speaker Howard Nelson from the Darwin Expert Committee. This session provided applicants with an insight into what the expert committee looks for in an application through outlining the main assessment processes and providing tips on how to improve or strengthen Stage 2 applications.
Slides from “What makes a good application” presentation are available here.